Personal Injury Lawyer & Car Accident Gold Firm

Common Causes of Car Accidents

San Bernardino Car Accident Causes

At the Gold Firm, we are all too familiar with the common causes of car accidents in San Bernardino. Our extensive experience in handling accident cases has highlighted the importance of educating the public about these frequent factors. By raising awareness and promoting safe driving practices, we aim to empower drivers with the knowledge they need to prevent accidents. Our commitment to public education reflects our dedication to reducing the number of car accidents and enhancing overall road safety in our community.

If you are searching for an experienced San Bernardino car accident lawyer near you, contact The Gold Firm at 909-308-1118 for a no fee guarantee and free consultation. 

Car Accident Scenarios – Who’s At Fault?

motorcycle accident lawyer

A few common types of car accident scenarios in San Bernardo frequently occur. Understanding these scenarios is important, as it not only aids in helping to recognize and avoid potential car accidents but also helps in determining fault when accidents happen. This knowledge is essential for drivers and our San Bernardino car accident lawyers to ensure those responsible are held accountable and promote safer driving habits to avoid liability.

Driving Under The Influence

Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a common car accident scenario example in California, including San Bernardino. Alcohol-impaired driving remains one of the most significant threats to the safety of drivers on our roadways. In 2021, 1,370 individuals were killed in alcohol-involved crashes, which is a 16% increase from 2020 and accounted for nearly a third of all traffic deaths in California (32%), according to

In most DUI car accident scenarios, the drunk driver is at fault. Such accidents can be avoided by using alternative transportation options or taking advantage of the tips for finding a safe ride home provided by Our Car accident attorneys have no tolerance for drunk drivers and are here to help you hold them liable for all damages and injuries they have caused. If you have suffered injuries or damages due to an accident caused by a drunk driver, it is crucial to contact a San Bernardino car accident attorney at the Gold Firm to file a claim. 


Speeding is another common car accident scenario example in San Bernardino, as well as the rest of California. All too often drivers going over posted speed limits as they race to work or school. Sometimes they are simply unaware that they are traveling down our roadways at unsafe speeds. Speed is a significant concern both locally and statewide, with Caltrans reporting more than 3,600 traffic fatalities and 13,000 serious injuries occurring in California each year. This means that approximately 34% of car accident fatalities and serious injuries are related to speeding as well as aggressive driving. Speeding goes hand in hand with reduced reaction times, making car accidents more likely to occur, as well as resulting in more severe damages and injuries. In most car accident scenarios involving speeding, the driver at fault exceeded the speed limit, highlighting the importance of adhering to speed regulations to enhance road safety and limit causing car accidents.

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is a fairly common car accident scenario example in San Bernardino, as well as throughout the state. Many drivers engage in activities that affect their ability to concentrate on the road, such as:

  • Using cell phones
  • Eating
  • Reading
  • Conversing with passengers while driving

Engaging in various forms of distracted driving can significantly increase the likelihood of accidents due to a lack of alertness or awareness on the roads. Distracted driving is defined as anything that takes your eyes, hands, or mind away from the task of driving, and was a significant factor in California’s 2021 traffic fatalities. 140 people were killed in crashes that involved a distracted driver, which was a 27.3% increase from 2020. In most cases, the distracted driver is at fault since they were not paying attention to the roadway. This highlights the importance of maintaining a constant focus on the roadway as well as other drivers while operating a vehicle to prevent accidents and save lives.

Not Adhering To Traffic Laws Or Signals

Another common car accident scenario example in California, including San Bernardino, is not following traffic laws or signals properly. In most cases, the driver who fails to adhere to California traffic laws or local traffic signals is at fault. This can include driving behaviors such as making illegal U-turns, left turn accidents, or tailgating, which refers to following too closely behind another vehicle, both of which can lead to serious car accidents. Such reckless driving actions have resulted in hundreds of accidents across California that resulted in severe injuries and even death. When drivers do not follow traffic rules or act responsibly on the roads, they significantly increase the risk of collisions, which not only endangers themselves but everyone else on the road around them.

Contact A San Bernardo Car Accident Lawyer Near You For Help

Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

If you are searching for an experienced San Bernardino car accident lawyer near you, contact The Gold Firm at 909-308-1118 for a no-fee guarantee and free consultation. 

No matter what caused the car accident that resulted in your injuries or property damage, a San Bernardino car accident attorney at the Gold Firm is always here to help you. We understand the challenges you face after being injured or having your car totaled in a wreck caused by another driver, and want you to focus on your recovery. While you concentrate on healing from your injuries, we will diligently work to obtain the compensation you deserve as a victim of another driver’s negligence. Our dedicated team is committed to assisting you with obtaining the justice and financial support you need during this difficult time. Don’t hesitate to contact us today to learn more about what we can do for you.